Any young person between the ages of nine and eighteen who has received their First Holy Communion is eligible to serve. Youth servers once trained are assigned to Masses in teams.
Teachers must be at least eighteen years old, active and practicing Catholics with good standing with the church, and must complete the Virtus program with the Diocese of Bridgeport. For further information on the Religious Education program, please contact the Office.
Anyone eighteen years or older may assist with weekend and weekday Masses, holy days of obligation, and funeral services.
Advises the Pastor on financial matters of the parish and school.
Extraordinary Ministers of Communion serve the Body and Blood of Christ at Mass and to the sick and homebound. It is the Pastor's role to appoint laity for this ministry. In order to be considered for this role an individual must be in good standing with the Church and should practice their Catholic faith through a prayerful relationship with God and take advantage of the sacraments regularly.
All women are welcome! Meetings are generally held on the second Wednesday of October, November, December, March, April, and June and are announced in the bulletin. The objectives of the Guild are to foster and encourage Catholicism and to promote its ideals, to promote the ideas of the Holy Family in our homes; to support the objectives and policies of the Holy Name of Jesus, as put forth by the Pastor; and to encourage and promote spiritual and social activities. The major fundraiser is the baking of Nut and Poppy Rolls and bolbaki at Christmas and Easter. Activities include the Opening Dinner Meeting, Wine and Cheese Tasting, Mary's Way of the Cross, Living Rosary, and the Installation Dinner.
As part of their mission, the Men's Society promotes the spiritual welfare of the parish by encouraging and assisting their members to observe the practices of the confraternity of the Most Holy Name of Jesus, namely the frequent reception of the sacraments, the honoring of the Most Holy Name by active religious life and the working against all things which offend the Most Holy Name. Activities and fundraisers include the September Car Show, Boys Night Out, Christmas Party, Pierogi and Potato Pancake Dinners, and Weekend Retreats. All men are welcome!
The reader proclaims the first and second reading during the Mass and often reads the general intercessions as well. Becoming a reader is a serious decision and commitment to your faith and parish. In order to be considered for this role an individual must be in good standing with the church and should practice their Catholic faith through a prayerful relationship with God and take advantage of the sacraments regularly. Readers are welcome to assist at weekend and weekday morning Masses.
The parish nurse ministry consists of RNs, LPNs, and EMTs. The nurses are available for blood pressure screening following all the Masses on the first weekend of each month.
Is an interdenominational mission to feed the needy at Christ Church in Stratford each Wednesday of the year from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm. Ten different Stratford Christian Churches take turns to provide a meal free of charge to others less fortunate than ourselves. When it is Holy Name's turn, requests for donations and/or volunteers are announced in the bulletin.
Adult Choir: Join together in song, under the direction of our Pastoral Assistant of Liturgy and Music, Sue Scanlon. Currently, during the pandemic, rehearsals are not held, nor does the choir sing at any Mass.
Youth Choir: New Members, grades 6 - 12 are always welcome. The Youth Choir rehearses on most Wednesdays from 5:15 pm to 6:15 pm during the school year and sings at scheduled 9:00 am Masses under the direction of Sue Scanlon.
Meet on most Wednesdays from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm in the church hall making handmade blankets, afghans, hats, and scarves to benefit children who are seriously ill, traumatized, or otherwise in need. No sewing experience is needed.
The Slovak Alliance of Greater Bridgeport, Inc. is a cultural and heritage society made up of Eastern European members and/or guests. Anyone of Slovak/Slavic (Polish, Czech, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Slovene, or Lithuanian) descent/ancestry are invited to attend our monthly meetings and/or join our society. Monthly meetings are held at the Holy Name of Jesus school meeting room the last Thursday of the months of March, April, May, June, September, October and November, at 7:00 PM
Ushers welcome parishioners as they enter to attend Mass, helping with doors, answering questions, and providing a friendly face for both newcomers and long-time members. Ushers pass the collection basket during the offertory, guide worshippers to receive the sacrament of Communion in an orderly fashion, and distribute the weekly bulletins.
A team of volunteers that counts the funds collected at Mass each week.